The history of the company begins with the problem.

After many miles of riding my most irritating problem was that my pants always rode up and exposed my white socks which kept me looking for some sort of pant hold down. I always looked for a solution but never could come up with one. I tried rubber bands, longer pants and even tried to stuff them into my boots but nothing solved my problem.

Seeing other people with the same dilemma I was able to find a few small vendors selling different types of straps that did not work. Our technology had to be better than what was currently out there. It was then that I saw an opportunity to create a better boot strap. The problem with most of the motorcycle boot straps out there was either poor clip design or an adjustable strap that got in the way of the foot pegs on the motorcycle. We knew we had to create a product that would perform with excellence and will not interfere with the operation of the motorcycle.

We also realized the competitors products used elastic that got water logged and attracted dirt over time. The competitions elastic also lost its bounce and started to drag on the ground while walking. The solution was to create the straps out of rubber and make a 4 and 6 inch version that fixed the sizing dilemma. Our new weather proof rubber will not drag and also maintain their bounce through the life of the product. We created our straps to hold your pants down onto your boots and look good while doing it. The last thing we needed to do is name them.

The other straps were being called boot stirrups, stirrups, motorcycle stirrups, and Harley-Davidson wasn’t even producing a version. We felt a boot strap really explains what the product does and since they are for bikers it made perfect sense to call them Biker Boot Straps.